About Us:
Will Huffman
Where I Live:
Wynne, Arkansas
Where I Grew Up: Panama Canal
Zone, Panama
My Family: My wife, Kathy, and
I have four children and four grandchildren.
My Profession: Physical
Therapist and Co-Owner, Eastern Arkansas Physical Therapy
My Gun: Browning Maxus 3 ½” 28
My Duck Call: Echo
Timber Duck Call, double reed.
My Favorite Thing about Cypress Run:
The ducks. Our hunting location has
been the most consistent and productive spot in a several county
area for the past 20 years. It’s a beautiful spot with
breathtaking sunrises.
Why I Love Duck Hunting: I
enjoy the challenge of bringing in the ducks, the beauty of the
sights, the sounds of the outdoors and sharing those experiences
as well as the harvest with family and friends.
My First Duck Hunt: It was with
fellow Cypress Run member Jim Murry in 1984 or 1985 on Greg
Powell’s farm north of Wheatley. We were lying on a bank with
little cover and there was nothing to shoot. I didn’t have the
proper hunting gear and froze my butt off. I wasn’t impressed.
My Favorite Duck Hunting Memory:
When I first started hunting at Cypress Run, I was a rookie.
I wanted to learn duck calling so I bought a cheap duck call and
practiced. When I finally got a chance to call, I successfully
worked in a large group of mallards. They dropped in, I jumped
up, shot, knocked one greenhead down, pumped … and the gun
jammed. I watched 100 mallards fly away. I was disappointed but
thrilled that my first duck call was a success.
My Favorite Meal During Duck Season: Duck
Casserole. It’s a family favorite.
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